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Biodiversity and Landscape


The development plans propose a landscape—led approach with generous planting of native species throughout the masterplan. The site-wide green infrastructure forms the basis for the biodiversity improvements plan on the site, with green corridors which will link newly created areas of public open space, complete with wildflower planting and native hedgerows.

All trees and hedgerows which currently exist on the site will be retained and enhanced where possible, with additional planting also proposed. Our ecologists have worked hard to survey the biodiversity which currently exists on the site, and will ensure that newly planted species reflect the existing site ecosystem and provide habitats for locally important and native animals.

The development also proposes new bird and bat boxes on 20% of new homes, which will be ideal for nesting swifts and other local bird species. In addition, all ancient woodland on the site will be retained, with a 20 metre buffer from any interference from the development plans.

While important for biodiversity improvements, new and retained hedgerow and wildflower planting has the added benefit of improving the visual amenity of the site, making it attractive. Our masterplanners and landscape architects have worked hard to produce a landscape-led development plan which is mindful of the surrounding character for Arborfield parish, and is well screened from neighbouring residents.

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